
Showing posts from April, 2016

Robin's Eggs!

My brothers share a bedroom, and for years there was a birds nest on their windowsill. It was so fun and amazing to see the shiny blue eggs up close...and over time watch them acquire cracks...and then to have wet scrawny baby robins only a few inches away! Unfortunately when we replaced all of our windows, we had to remove the nest. But the window-replacer built a little platform and put it next to the windowsill. Alas, it had human scent on it and the birds never built a new nest on it. But this spring they decided to build a nest on the other side of the windowsill! So now we have two little robins-eggs again!  Taken with an iPhone. I will get better pictures up I promise! I like the angle and the detail in this picture. I also think it is cute how the two eggs are side by side...two siblings together like peas in a pod:) I think it would look nice in black and white, but then you wouldn't be able to get the perfect robin's-egg blue. I took one anyway, and I like how ...

The Bunnies (Edition 1) - Coconut and Pip

Coconut (a girl) and Pip (a boy) are probably the two most popular, and sweet, bunnies in the neighborhood! They're both albino. Pip is the smallest of our four bunnies and belongs to Legolas. When Rosie got Coconut for her fifth birthday, the whole family was excited. But none loved the bunnies as much as Legolas! Rosie soon became annoyed because she hardly got to play with her bunny alone, because Legolas was constantly begging to hold her. So my parents decided to get him one. They also picked up Aragorn's bunny, Zorro. When they brought Pip home, Legolas wouldn't spend a minute without him. He even tried taking Pip to bed with him! Princesses! This is my sister Rosie holding Coconut last August. We made a little clover crown for her. These photos are all taken with an iPhone and not edited.  My sister Eowyn with Pip. This is Pip - so cute! Pip. This would have been a better picture if I had edited out the mailboxes. If I get a good editing sof...

Happy Birthday, Reina!

Reina is a very sweet dog who loves to cuddle with us on the couch. She has never bit and has hardly ever growled. Last June, we bought her from a family who lives close by. They bred their black labradoodle with a ginger-colored poodle. Their website is  here . You can see more pictures of Reina and all of the other puppies at their website. Reina's name used to be Bonnie. (P.S. They thought that we were going to name her Maisie, but we were only considering that name). There were only three black dogs and one girl. Since us kids wanted a black dog and my parents wanted a girl, Reina was the one for us:) There were many debates over her name, but we finally decided on Reina from a character in a favorite book - The Winged Watchmen. She is extremely smart and yes, often naughty - she loves to steal food off of the tables and from the little kids (she ate all of my Easter candy) and she tries hard to escape from the house. She adores playing with her brother, Casey (previously Mick...