The Bunnies (Edition 1) - Coconut and Pip
Coconut (a girl) and Pip (a boy) are probably the two most popular, and sweet, bunnies in the neighborhood! They're both albino. Pip is the smallest of our four bunnies and belongs to Legolas.
When Rosie got Coconut for her fifth birthday, the whole family was excited. But none loved the bunnies as much as Legolas! Rosie soon became annoyed because she hardly got to play with her bunny alone, because Legolas was constantly begging to hold her. So my parents decided to get him one. They also picked up Aragorn's bunny, Zorro. When they brought Pip home, Legolas wouldn't spend a minute without him. He even tried taking Pip to bed with him!
This is my sister Rosie holding Coconut last August. We made a little clover crown for her. These photos are all taken with an iPhone and not edited.
My sister Eowyn with Pip.
This is Pip - so cute!
Pip. This would have been a better picture if I had edited out the mailboxes. If I get a good editing software, I will!
Pip as a baby (above).

Coconut (the white one) - the day of Rosie's birthday.
When the weather was again warm, we brought the bunnies and their cages out of the garage and outside again. They were shedding like crazy!
Princesses! |
My sister Eowyn with Pip.
This is Pip - so cute!
Pip. This would have been a better picture if I had edited out the mailboxes. If I get a good editing software, I will!
Slightly blurry and messy, but I like the bunny's angle.
Pip as a baby (above).
Coconut (the white one) - the day of Rosie's birthday.
Pip and Coconut sharing clover in an outdoor cage. The heart-like composition is nice.
We have a lot of family nearby and big families in our neighborhood, so last summer the backyard was always full of children and bunnies! The bunnies were out every day to nibble clover in their "bunny runs" while kids petted and played with them and Moms chatted.
Pip is very mischievous - he would find opening in the cage, wriggle through, and dash for freedom in an especially big prickly bush. It was hard to get him out, but someone could usually nab him. Once, however, he we couldn't find him for hours. Everyone was afraid that he was gone for good or had been killed by a wild animal. At nine that night the neighbors called. Pip was in their bushes! Dad went over and caught him. The whole neighborhood was relieved and happy to have him back! Pip is a favorite.
We have a lot of family nearby and big families in our neighborhood, so last summer the backyard was always full of children and bunnies! The bunnies were out every day to nibble clover in their "bunny runs" while kids petted and played with them and Moms chatted.
Pip is very mischievous - he would find opening in the cage, wriggle through, and dash for freedom in an especially big prickly bush. It was hard to get him out, but someone could usually nab him. Once, however, he we couldn't find him for hours. Everyone was afraid that he was gone for good or had been killed by a wild animal. At nine that night the neighbors called. Pip was in their bushes! Dad went over and caught him. The whole neighborhood was relieved and happy to have him back! Pip is a favorite.
In the fall it got too cold for the bunnies to stay outside in their hutches, so we moved them to the garage. Sometimes we rotated bringing our bunnies inside to be the "class pet" :) . We tried bringing in two at a time, but we only had one indoor cage. Since we didn't want baby bunnies everywhere, we had to put one of them in a cardboard box - but it kept escaping.
When the weather was again warm, we brought the bunnies and their cages out of the garage and outside again. They were shedding like crazy!
Later I will blog about Alfie and Zorro. We love our bunnies! :)
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